17, Nov. 2010

[First Look] DM500s Gemini 4.70 GSF Mod (English Language)

-=Foreign citizens Translation=-

The last days I was lucky enough to test an excellent image for the small 500s of Dream Multimedia, made by the guys of G.S.F. Team.
I am talking about the long awaited DM500s Gemini 4.70 GSF Mod, which we will see exclusively thought MinOtaVrS Blog, in a first official review, while we expect to be publically available within the next days, replacing the previous successful image made by the same team.

The new image , following the same recipe as 4.60 GSF Mod is a modification of the last official Gemini 4.70 for Dreambox 500s with main feature being it’s incredible response speed, coming by default with 83% free var!

Ive been strongly amazed by the fast satellite scan. For four satellites during the Automatic multisat Scan, only 8 minutes and 32 seconds needed to complete the scan, while the same scan in EDG Nemesis took 29 whole minutes!

Another remarkable point is the boot time being only 29 seconds. 18 seconds faster than my previous EDG Nemesis image.
The teams previous image was a cloneloverand so is the new one. Besides the clone bomd removal, and the deactivation of the Online image update from Gemini servers, a script called Fix my MAC is build-in to bypass the second clone check from Gemini. This check prevents the receiver from accessing the internet if it has a blacklisted MAC address.

For all of you installing it, the surprises doesn’t stop here because throught the addons of Blue panel a brand new addons server awaits containing the following until now:
- GSF Flexy 1.0.7 with the biggest Greek subtitles database for dreambox use, weekly Greek schedule for Nova (Greek Provider) and many more.
- Drtic 2.2 configured to save subtitles in /tmp.
- RSS Reader with Greek feeds.
- Teletext with Greek characters support.
- New Greek Enigma1 translation from mcelliot_g. The best and most complete till now.
- Greek/English language for English menus with Greek EPG.
- Official Greek language from Gemini.
- CCCam Info 1.1.
- Tuxbox Commander.

-Selected plugins from Gemini servers like Dreamnetcast for Internet radio, Jukebox to listen to your mp3 and more.
One more important thing in contrast with 4.60 GSF Mod, is that this image comes in Universal Flashing format, allowing you to install it via DreamUp, Flash Wizard and root.cramfs with the last option being tested in Gemini images greater that v4.0.

The only negative spot found after exhausting tests, is that the remote control via web interface is disabled due to non proper function issues. (the same issue existed in the previous version as well)
Personally i would have liked it to work, because there are not few iphone users like me, using iDreamRemote or relevant apps to manage their dreambox remotely via WiFi. Never the less this problem can be bypassed by using the zap feature provided on the web interface rather than the virtual remote control.
As you can see the remote control deactivation is a minor issue, and 4.70 GSF mod in general is a very good, fast, and reliable image that shouldn’t be missing from any Dreambox 500s.
In a sum the additions and modifications of the official Gemini 4.70 for DM500s that made on the READ ONLY part of the image are:
* The "clone" bomb introduced after Gemini 4.3.1 is removed. Fully tested on clones.

By Default CCcam 2.1.2.
* Fix for the jerky streaming from the receiver to VLC, plus zapstream from Pli.
( Open VLC--> open url and point to http://mydreamboxip:31344 [where dreamboxip is your receivers IP])

* Audio priority for Greek audio, if found in the channel stream.

* Ngrab Plugins (Start/Stop)

* New logos for boot, service scanning and radio mode.

* All downloadable languages are fully functional, plus special modded Greek Fonts.

* New addons server accessible from Blue Panel -> Addons

* The online image update from Gemini Servers(Menu->Setup->Expert Setup
->Software Update->Internet Update) is disabled, to avoid accidental internet update, and bootloader crash for clone boxes.

* Script (Plugins -> Fix my MAC)

* Updated satellites.xml for the range of: Amazonas 1/2 (61.0W) - Eutelsat W5 (70.5E)

* Grab for screenshot taking.

* An small Greek/English language has been added during boot for English menus with Greek EPG.

* All flashing methods available. DreamUp, Flash Wizard and root.cramfs.

* Other minor fixes.Closing this small review I would like to thank the Greek Sat Freaks Team for the opportunity they gave me, to participate in this amazing project , and I wish them strength to continue working like they do, giving us all true diamonds like this image and proving that the old and small DM500s isn’t dead yet.
In Greek we say “Too much talking is poverty”, so a test will convince everyone, (taking in mind that the installation barely reaches fifteen minutes).
So stay tuned to download it and test it, after it’s official release in a couple of days, until then watch the attachment youtube video.
To avoid “misplaces” until the official release, the md5sum os the image is: 575e263d5b747cdb82900939f40b9215