Η Nokia αγοράζει την κατασκευάστρια smartwatch και connected συσκευών Withings
Η Nokia ξεκινάει την επανείσοδο της στην αγορά καταναλωτικών προϊόντων, με την εξαγορά της Γαλλικής Withings -κατασκευαστής smartwatch- έναντι 191 εκατομμυρίων δολλαρίων. Η συμφωνία θα ολοκληρωθεί το 3ο τρίμηνο του 2016 και το προσωπικό της Withings θα ενσωματωθεί στην Nokia Technologies.
Στελέχη της Nokia δήλωσαν σχετικά.
We have said consistently that digital health was an area of strategic interest to Nokia, and we are now taking concrete action to tap the opportunity in this large and important market.
With this acquisition, Nokia is strengthening its position in the Internet of Things in a way that leverages the power of our trusted brand, fits with our company purpose of expanding the human possibilities of the connected world, and puts us at the heart of a very large addressable market where we can make a meaningful difference in peoples' lives.
Withings shares our vision for the future of digital health and their products are smart, well designed and already helping people live healthier lives. Combining their award-winning products and talented people with the world-class expertise and innovation of Nokia Technologies uniquely positions us to lead the next wave of innovation in digital health.
Η Withings κατασκευάζει "έξυπνα" ρολόγια, συνδεδεμένα ξυπνητήρια, ζυγαριές και κάμερες παρακολούθησης και τα προϊόντα της είναι συμβατά με Android και iOS.