27, Nov. 2014

WhatsApp: Δωρίζει ένα εκατομμύριο δολλάρια στο FreeBSD Foundation

Ο διευθύνων σύμβουλος και συνιδρυτής του WhatsApp -Jan Koum- δώρισε στο FreeBSD Foundation, ένα εκατομμύριο δολλάρια, στην μεγαλύτερη προσωπική δωρεά που έχει λάβει το ίδρυμα από την ίδρυση του, εδώ και 15 χρόνια.

Ο Koum με μήνυμα του στο Facebook, εξήγησε πως ο ίδιος ξεκίνησε να χρησιμοποιεί BSD πίσω στα 90s, και πιστεύει πως τον βοήθησε να φτάσει στο τωρινό σημείο επιτυχίας και ελπίζει η δωρεά του να βοηθήσει την την ανάπτυξη και διάδοση του λογισμικού ανοικτού κώδικα.

Αναλυτικά το post έχει ως εξής:

The FreeBSD Foundation is pleased to announce it has received a $1,000,000 donation from Jan Koum, CEO and Co-Founder of WhatsApp. This marks the largest single donation to the Foundation since its inception almost 15 years ago, and serves as another example of someone using FreeBSD to great success and then giving back to the community. Find out more about Jan's reasons for donating below.

We're now in the process of working together as a team to decide how best to use this gift to serve the FreeBSD community. That plan will combine financial investment, to ensure the effects of this donation are felt for many years to come, and an acceleration of the Foundation's growth into new capabilities and services.

FreeBSD has a tremendous impact on our world. Our mission is to increase that impact through educational outreach, advocacy, community support, and technical investments. More information on how we serve each of these areas can be found on our website.

With this donation, and the generosity of all those who have donated this year, we have shattered our 2014, million dollar fundraising goal! But this does not mean we can stop our fundraising efforts. Only by increasing the size and diversity of our donor pool can we ensure a stable and consistent funding stream to support the FreeBSD project.

Please help us continue to grow FreeBSD's reach and impact on our world. Donate today!