Download: ATI Catalyst 10.10 WHQL

Μετά την nVIDIA νέους Drivers για τις κάρτες γραφικών ATI Catalyst είχαμε και από την AMD.
Οι νέοι AMD Display Drivers έφθασαν έτσι στην έκδοση 10.10 συμπεριλαμβανομένου και του Catalyst™ Control Center.
The AMD Catalyst™ software suite is the ultimate in performance and stability.Download: ATI Catalyst 10.10 WHQL Display Driver
Precision controls for power users.
Tweaks for gamers and video enthusiasts. Simple wizard-assisted setup, easy multi-monitor configuration, and ultra reliable operation for working professionals.
This unified driver has been further enhanced to provide the highest level of power, performance, and reliability.
New user or seasoned expert, ATI Catalyst puts you in charge of The Ultimate Visual Experience™.