14, Apr. 2010

Microsoft NET Framework 4.0 Final

Δόθηκε στην κυκλοφορία από την Microsoft τo .NET Framework 4, εγκαινιάζοντας έτσι μια νέα σειρά εργαλείων για developers, τα οποία και αναπτύχθηκαν με το Visual Studio 2010.

Ως αποτέλεσμα των παραπάνω είναι οι χρήστες του να μπορούν να εκμεταλλευτούν όλες τις δυνατότητες των πολυπύρηνων επεξεργαστών, με ότι αυτό συνεπάγεται για τις επιδόσεις των εφαρμογών.
Οι νέες βελτιώσεις του .Net Framework 4 είναι:

* Improvements in Common Language Runtime (CLR) and Base Class Library (BCL)
* Innovations in the Visual Basic and C# languages, for example statement lambdas, implicit line continuations, dynamic dispatch, and named/optional parameters.
* Improvements in Data Access and Modeling
* Enhancements to ASP.NET
* Improvements in Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
* Improvements to Windows Workflow (WF) that enable developers to better host and interact with workflows. These include an improved activity programming model, an improved designer experience, a new flowchart modeling style, an expanded activity palette, workflow-rules integration, and new message correlation features. The .NET Framework 4 also offers significant performance gains for WF-based workflows. For a comprehensive list of enhancements to WF go here.
* Improvements to Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) such as support for WCF Workflow Services enabling workflow programs with messaging activities, correlation support. Additionally, .NET Framework 4 provides new WCF features such as service discovery, routing service, REST support, diagnostics, and performance. For a comprehensive list of enhancements to WCF go here.
* Innovative new parallel-programming features such as parallel loop support, Task Parallel Library (TPL), Parallel LINQ (PLINQ), and coordination data structures which let developers harness the power of multi-core processors.

Supported Operating Systems: Windows 7; Windows Server 2003 R2 (32-Bit x86); Windows Server 2003 R2 x64 editions; Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2; Windows Server 2008 R2; Windows Server 2008 Service Pack 2; Windows Vista Service Pack 2; Windows XP Service Pack 3.

Download : Microsoft .NET Framework 4.0 Final