25, Sep. 2009

Rapidshare deleting files from Premium accounts

Το rapidshare για ακόμα μια φορά μας αιφνιδιάζει δυσάρεστα, μιας και αποφάσισε να διαγράψει όσα αρχεία δεν χρησιμοποιούνται από Premium accounts και που οι χρήστες τους έχουν πάνω από 25 GB :
Dear Customer

We hereby inform you that paragraph IV.(2) of our Terms of Use will be technically implemented and activated on 20. October 2009.
Premium Accounts whose files use more than 25 GB of storage will be subject to the file inactivity regulations, which effectuate the automatic deletion of inactive files. A file is inactive if it has not been downloaded for at least 90 days.

For Premium Accounts that use less than 25 GB of storage, the storage time for inactive files is unlimited.

If you do not agree to the Terms of Use, you are entitled to cancel the contractual relationship within a time limit of four weeks as of receipt of this notification. Should you not make use of your right of cancellation, the alterations are presumed to be accepted and become an effective integral part of the contract.