28, Sep. 2008

Download: Dreamboxedit v3.0.0.0

Για τους απανταχού λάτρεις των Dreambox βγήκε η νέα εκδοσή του Dreamboxedit το οποίο αισίως έφτασε την έκδοση

Για όσους δεν γνωρίζουν το Dreamboxedit είναι υπεύθυνο για την οργάνωση των καναλιών σας κάνοντας backup όλες τις ρυθμίσεις, τα κλειδώματα καθώς και τις λίστες των καναλιών που έχετε στα "μπουκέτα σας".

Οι αλλαγές στην έκδοση είναι οι παρακάτω:

Changes in version

* New version developed and maintained by DreamBoxEdit development
team hosted at www.****.net Adapted from DreamBoxEdit by Llamaware
(tm) DreamBoxEdit development team: HappyLlama, Henksat, Talius,
Tammie78N, Jazzydane

* Support added for version 4 lamedb. Lamedb version 4 is used by
Enigma2 images using drivers after august 2008

* Support for HDTV services. In the Advanced pane of DreamBoxEdit
Options you can add HDTV services to be treat as TV-channels

* New logo by Litemotiv

* A number of small enhancements in the functioning of DreamBoxEdit
Tips with the 7025/800:

* In DreamBoxEdit you must specify the correct paths on the 7025/800.
You can do this very easy with the "Version 3 Settings(enigma2)" and
"New Enigma2 settings" buttons on the options panel. New lamedb version
4 is chosen with the "New Enigma2 settings" button.

* You have to enable "Multibouquet" on settings menu in the actual
7025/800 Dreambox in order to be able to see your bouquets.
Known bugs in version 3.00.00:

* Translation problem with Satcodx files: servicenames with special
characters are not correctly translated (but can be editted by hand
of cour.

Download: Dreamboxedit v3.0.0.0