Demonoid is Back

Μετά τα τόσα πεσίματα στα torrent & warez sites να και κάτι καλό το Demonoid o γνωστός torrent tracker είναι και πάλι open με όλα τα links του ανέγγιχτα .
Για την ιστορία στα μέσα του Νοέμβρη του 2007 ένας από τους δημοφιλέστερους BitTorrent trackers, ο Demonoid αναγκάστηκε να βγει offline επειδή η Καναδική ένωση βιομηχανίας καταγραφής (CRIA: Canadian Recording Industry Association) απείλησε τον ISP host του.
Παρόλα αυτά και ενω όλοι τον είχαν ξεγράψει απο την trackoσφαιρα εχθές άνοιξε και πάλι τις πύλες του και με μια λιτή ανακοίνωση ο Site admin του Umlauf έγραψε:
Welcome back!
Since a few months ago, Deimos, the site administrator, lacks the necessary time to take care of the website, because of personal matters he's been needing to attend to. For this reason, he has decided to leave the site staff.
Before leaving, he assigned a new site administrator from among his friends to take care of the site. The old moderator team will continue helping with the site, unchanged. We will try to keep running everything just as it always has been.
The trackers and website seem to be working properly, and should any issues arise, they will be taken care of as soon as possible. The site might be going on and offline over the next days as we work out any problems.
Welcome back, and enjoy your stay!
Demonoid Site admin